Google Assistant voice commands

Google Assistant voice commands

Supported by all motor brands

To control all blinds in the same Google Assistant room, start by choosing "open" or "close" then add the room name and the word "blinds" or "shades", plural form, at the end.
Hey Google, open/close [room name] blinds/shades.

To control individual blinds, start with "open" or "close" then just add the blind name. Do not add the word "blind", "blinds", "shade" or "shades" at the end.
Hey Google, open/close [blind/shade name].

Open and close voice commands

Hey Google, open kitchen blinds.

Google Assistant will open all blinds assigned to the kitchen room.

Hey Google, close behind the sofa.

Google Assistant will close the blind/shade with the name "behind the sofa".

Hey Google, open shades.

Google Assistant will open all shades assigned to the room your Google speaker is also assigned to.
If you’re using a phone or your Google speaker was not assigned to any room, all your shades on your account will open.

Hey Google, close all blinds.

Google Assistant will close all blinds assigned to all the rooms you have.

Supported by motor brands with the favourite position feature

In order to use the voice commands describe below, be sure that your motorized blinds have all the specification below:

Smart Controller Integration Amazon Alexa
Your motorized blind is equipped with a motor that has the favourite position feature. In doubt, check the rooms page in the app. If one of the two icons above shows up on your room control, your motor has the favourite position feature.
You have manually set a favourite position via handheld remote control or via app. In doubt, tap on the favourite position button of each room and visually check if all blinds go to the desired position.

To move all your blind(s) in a specific room to their favourite position:
Hey Google, set [room name] blinds/shades position to favourite.
Hey Google, set [room name] blinds/shades position to one.
Hey Google, set [room name] blinds/shades position to two. (if available)

To move one particular blind to its favourite position, use this voice command instead:
Hey Google, set [blind/shade name] position to favourite.
Hey Google, set [blind/shade name] position to one.
Hey Google, set [blind/shade name] position to two. (if available)

Favourite position voice commands

Hey Google, set kitchen blinds position to favourite.
Google Assistant will set all blinds assigned to the kitchen room to their favourite position.

Hey Google, set behind the sofa position to one.

Google Assistant will set the blind/shade with the name "behind the sofa" to its favourite position one.

Supported by motor brands with the percentage

In order to use the voice commands describe below, be sure that the blind or room you want to control has the percentage position feature. You can easily recognize this feature by looking for the % button on the room or the blind card. You can also test it to check if it's working properly before using the voice commands for the first time.

User taps on the percent icon on the blind cardAfter setting the specific position with the slider, user taps on the card button to send the command

To move one or more blinds to a specifc specific position:
Hey Google, open [blind or room name] to [a number between 1 to 99] percent.

Percentage position voice commands

Hey Google, open living room to 90 percent.
Google Assistant will set all living room blinds to 90%.

Hey Google, open front wall to 25 percent.
Google Assistant will set the blind/shade with the name "front wall" to 25%.

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