Adding a Smart Controller: Models WC100 and C-R200

Adding a Smart Controller: Models WC100 and C-R200

Information and what you will need

Besides the system requirements listed below, the app will also need your input on whether you want or not to share the device approximate location.
You will need:
  • 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi with Internet
  • Your Wi-Fi password in hands
  • A smartphone or tablet running Android 8.0 (Oreo) or higher, or iOS 13 or higher

Information about the add Smart Controller process, useful tips for a smooth instalation

Allow Smart Controller to get its approximate geolocation

By opting in, you will enable the relative schedule feature in the app which is used to show the sunset and sunrise buttons on the schedule page. By opting out, the app will be only able to schedule rooms at a specific time. In this case, you will be guided to set a timezone manually. Enabling and disabling geolocation usage can be done at any time on the settings page of the app.

User tapping on yes to opt in the usage of the device's approximate geolocation to enable relative schedulesStep to confirm the app set timezone, local time and sunrise and sunset times correctly
By approximate geolocation, we mean a few kilometres/miles radius of the device position in the moment of your consent. This information is only enough for determining your timezone and approximated sunset and sunrise times. The app does not request the approximate geolocation again unless you manually disable and re-enable this feature in your account settings.

Tap on your Smart Controller model

Check the model number written on the back of your Smart Controller case.

Choose the option that matches the model number written on the back of the Smart Controller

1 - Power up your Smart Controller

Install your Smart Controller somewhere central with a strong WiFi signal. The LED underneath the Smart Controller will turn on to indicate it is receiving power.

Power up the Smart Controller to an outlet using the included micro-usb and power charger

2 - Pairing Mode

The LED should be blinking blue, indicating the Smart Controller is in pairing mode.

If it isn't, tap on the No option in the app and follow the steps.

App asking if the Smart Controller LED is blinking blue

3 - Connect to Neo-Smart-Blinds Wi-Fi network

Access the Settings>WiFi of your device and connect to the Neo-Smart-Blinds network. Come back to the Neo Smart Blinds app. It will automatically detect that you have connected to the Smart Controller Wifi and it will allow you to proceed to the next step.

Instructions on how to connect to the Smart Controller Wi-fiApp showing that your device is connected to the Smart Controller Wi-fi

Important note to Android users: After connecting to the hotspot, you should wait about 10 seconds before returning to the app. Your phone may notify you that this access point does not have Internet access, and ask you whether you want to remain connected. You should confirm that you do before continuing.

How it works
When it’s in Setup-Mode (LED blinking blue), your Neo Smart Blinds Controller creates it’s own WiFi hotspot. From a mobile device it will appear on the list of available Wi-Fi networks as Neo-Smart-Blinds-XXXX, where XXXX are four random characters. You must connect your phone, tablet, or computer to this hotspot to continue to the setup process. 

4 - Allow Smart Controller to use your Wi-Fi

Select the WiFi network your Neo Smart Blinds Controller should use, then enter the network password.

User tapping on one of the Wi-Fi networks available in range of the Smart ControllerUser entering the password for the selected Wi-Fi network

My Wi-Fi network in not in the list
The Smart Controller needs to be connected to a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network. If it fails to detect your network, try repositioning it for better range and rescan. In case of routers with dual-band, temporarily separate the bands during the setup process. Make sure the 2.4GHz network retains the original network name for seamless connection. Once the Smart Controller is set up and working, you can switch back to your usual network configuration.

5 - Finishing up

The Smart Controller will proceed to the final steps of the process. If necessary, the app will ask you to follow complementary steps.

Final step to the Smart Controller be added to the account also includes firmware update, if available

6 - What's next?

The Smart Controller was successfully added to your account. You can add another controller or go ahead to add a blind by tapping on one of the buttons on the What's next section. Otherwise, tap on the button Done in the bottom of the page.

Confirmation that the Smart Controller was added to the account

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