Ensure the discovered devices, rooms from the Neo Smart Blinds app, have different names from groups created in the Alexa app. If necessary, rename the devices discovered in the Alexa app.
If only your Alexa routines stopped working:
- Check if the routine still has the devices,
- If not, you need to re-add the desired devices.
If Alexa voice commands have stopped working or if Alexa cannot discover some or all your devices, please follow the steps below to properly disable and re-enable the Neo Smart Blinds Skill.
- Make sure your Smart Controller is online and working with the Neo Smart Blinds app.
- Disable the Neo Smart Blinds Skill using the Amazon Alexa app.
- Make sure to delete all devices and scenes that were previously imported to Alexa app from the Neo Smart Blinds skill. You have to do it manually, device by device. Alexa app does not automatically remove all the devices not sync anymore with a skill, which is the source of most issues.
- Close the Amazon Alexa app, make sure to close it, not just hide.
- Open Alexa again and add the skill.
Only your rooms and scenes will be imported, not individual blinds. Routines may need to be configured again.