Adding a Schedule to a Room

Adding a Schedule to a Room

All the Smart Controllers of your account need to be online (with Internet access) at the moment when you are adding or editing a relative schedule.

1 - Tap on the room

On Your Rooms page, tap on the room that you want to add a schedule.

User tapping on the living room card

2 - Tap on the Schedule tab

In the top of the page, tap on the Schedules tab.

User taps on the schedule tab

3 - Tap on Add Schedule

Right below the tab Schedules, tap on the blue button Add Schedule to create a new schedule.

User taps on the add a schedule button to add a new schedule to the room's blinds

4 - Set the schedule parameters and save

Choose the blind position, the time and select the days of the week the schedule will run.

To set a specific time schedule choose the on time button and then, enter the desired time of the day (e.g. 11:00PM).

To set a relative schedule, choose the at sunset or the at sunrise button. The app will show you the today’s sunset/sunrise time to the Smart Controller approximate geolocation. If you want to set the schedule for a certain amount of time before or after the sunset/sunrise time, enter the desired amount between 0:00h to 3:59h in the time field.

Example of a schedule for motorized blinds using the Neo Smart Blinds appExample of a relative schedule using the sunrise time to open the living room blinds

After tapping on the Save button, the schedule will be added to the room.

Schedule list for the motorized blinds in the living room

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